Jessica Jones is a great feminist twist on standard male-lead action-crime shows, with some great characters (Trish and Jeri, to name two) and very interesting takes on both PTSD and the patriarchy (SPOILER: most straight white male characters are villains).
However, it loses steam a little after half-way through. The series could have dropped a storyline or two, reducing the episode count to 8-10 episodes and been better/tighter for it.
Thoughts on the two protagonist/antagonist:
Jessica Jones - Cool and badass, while also dealing with PTSD. She's an interesting character, but her arc over the show is a bit flat. Most of the time, she's in her dour, tired mood and for all she drinks, alcohol never seems to affect her. She emotes most when she's in a panic, which is great to see, but one would think the alcohol could be better used to play into her PTSD. Perhaps her "flatness" is commentary on someone with PTSD (or I'm missing something), which is definitely interesting and can hopefully be elaborated on in future seasons/series.
Kilgrave - Simultaneously very interesting and lame. His powers are incredibly strong, but his focus is so small - all he wants is Jessica. He lacks the flare of more grandiose villains (e.g. Wilson Fisk, Joker, Goldfinger, et al), but is also a very interesting character and case study. That his focus is only Jessica separates him, but makes him slightly underwhelming; however, he goes to some "cool" lengths to achieve his goals.
At the end of the day, Jessica Jones gets a fairly solid RECOMMENDATION, as the main plot between Jessica and Kilgrave is good. Just be wary of the many melodramatic sub-plots that detract from what could have been a tighter personal story.